Oh, here we go again! We thought surely we couldn't have another colicky baby, but we've recently realized that we did not escape the colic curse with baby #2. We would definitely say that Mia was fussier than most babies, but not until recently did we come to grips with the fact that she's got full blown colic, just as Ava did. The difference is, Ava's was pretty bad from the get go, while Mia's took several more weeks to emerge, as she did not kick things into high gear until last week. She turned 6 weeks old yesterday - they say colic peaks around 6 weeks. Well, to ring in her 1 1/2 month birthday, Mia screamed and cried from 5:30 PM until about 11 PM last night. So much fun! Not much will calm her down and soothe her when she gets going in these fits. At least Doug is home by that time to help me deal with it! I'm hoping that since it started later, it will end just as quickly as it came. Oh well - we survived it once, and we will certainly survive it again.
Despite this challenge, I saw the first glimpses of a social smile from Mia this morning. It was so sweet! That certainly helps you through these times. Here are some pictures of Mia on her 6 week birthday yesterday morning when she was in a good mood.
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