Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Being sick is no fun

Ava came down with the flu this weekend while Doug's sister Amy was visiting. She spiked a 104 fever and we had the pleasure of her projectile vomiting on each of us (me and Amy that is). Poor baby! And poor us! The fever and vomiting were pretty much over by the end of the 2nd day, but Ava is still not feeling well. She has no appetite and her throat is sore and bothering her a lot. It's not confirmed that it's the swine flu, but it very well may be based on the symptoms and the fact that so many kids around us have had it. We're trying our best to keep Mia away from Ava and hoping that none of us catch it. That's hard to do given how needy a newborn and a sick toddler are. Keep your fingers crossed for us! We hope the worst is over with and that today is a good day for Ava.

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