Sunday, September 27, 2009

The McCall Family now has a blog!

I've been putting off starting a blog for some time now, as I seemed to never have the time to add one more item to my to-do list. But, now that I'm on maternity leave for the next three months and Ava will be in day care 3 times a week, I am going to give it a try. We'll see how it goes!

Today Mia Kate is 1 1/2 weeks old. She was born on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2009 at 5:25 AM. She was 6 lbs. 15 oz. and 20 inches long - tall and thin is how we seem to grow 'em! She is more fair than Ava, about 1/2 pound smaller and 1 inch shorter. She has a good amount of hair (not as much and as dark as Ava's) - no wonder I had so much heartburn with both of them during my pregnancy!

So far we're doing well. It certainly is more difficult managing 2! Doug just went back to work on Thursday, so I've only had a couple days on my own so far. Mia sleeps a lot (too bad it's more during the day than at night) and seems to be hungry all the time! She did well last night though - only woke up at 1:30 and 4:30 for feedings, and went right back to sleep afterwards. It's good to get some much needed rest.

We're about to head off for a walk outside this morning while it's still cool ... until next time!


  1. Hi Carol, Doug, Ava and Mia.It's 12:30 AM here, and I just happened to wake for a pit stop. I turned on the computer and found the McCall family blog lOOKING FORWARD TO following your blog.Love to you all. Ginny.

  2. Congratulations! Looking forward to following your blog!
    Uncle Howie
